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Coffee Varietals


  • Arabica


  • Catimor


  • 500-1500masl


Catimor is a hybrid coffee variety that combines the high yield and disease resistance of Robusta with the quality potential of Arabica. Originally developed in Portugal in 1959, Catimor is now grown worldwide, particularly in regions where disease and climate pose challenges to traditional Arabica cultivation. Its versatility and resilience have made it a popular choice for farmers seeking sustainable yields without compromising too much on quality.


Catimor’s flavour profile varies depending on the region and farming practices. It often presents a clean cup with subtle fruity notes and mild acidity, though it tends to lean towards the simpler, more straightforward flavours of its Robusta lineage. When grown in higher altitudes and with careful post-harvest processing, Catimor can exhibit more complex and pleasant characteristics.


Catimor grows best in nutrient-rich soils with good drainage. In regions with volcanic soil, such as Indonesia, the variety tends to perform well due to the natural fertility and mineral content. Its adaptability allows it to grow in a range of environments, though quality improves significantly when grown at higher elevations in cooler climates.