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Pura Vida Series

Pura Vida Series

When KOTA founder Dan last visited Costa Rica, he came away having experienced the saying Pura Vida ('pure life') first hand. Used as a greeting and farewell, this saying is used as a well wish to encapsulate the stress free and joyous ways of living and sharing in a community which celebrates each others strengths to grow together.

From then, we've always worked to try and bring a bit of our own 'Pura Vida' into the every day at KOTA Coffee; embracing our passion for coffee and sharing it with those around us to build as close a community as we can, whilst learning from others about their passions too.

When we thought about the concept of merchandise for KOTA, it therefore only seemed right that we used the connections we've established in our local community and begin to build in the spirit of Pura Vida to showcase the talent of passionate artists in our nearby towns. With different minds comes different ideas and different styles - the Pura Vida Series aims to encapsulate the range of talent we live around.